The Evoke Series 10 Selection Drink Vending Machine vends a combination of plastic bottled and canned beverages, including your customers’ favorite national brand sodas, energy drinks, juices and bottled waters. It has a double-depth, high-capacity system that features ten (10) unique drink and soda selections.
The Evoke Series 10 Selection Drink Vending Machine is equipped with the iVend guaranteed delivery system. When a product selection is made on the keypad of the vending machine, the drink will dispense and engage the iVend sensor. If it does not detect the drink that was dispensed, the vending machine’s technology will know the customer did not receive their product. It will then reestablish the customer’s credit and prompt the customer to make a different selection from the vending machine.
500 - 12 oz. Can, 240 - 20 oz. Bottle
1830 mm
807 mm
927 mm
304 kg